Posts Tagged ‘ weight loss ’

UPDATE: 1/14/2014

Wow! 2014 is here and underway! Sorry I have not kept up with this blog for a while. Things have been busy between school and family. So I guess you are wondering what I have done. Well to recap my second month, I had a class called OAA (Overview of the Audio Arts). This class showed me how this industry got started and how it is vastly growing with new technologies. I learned so much, and have a desire to be one of this people that make a huge dent in the Show Production industry. My third month I had a Music Theory class. It was tough, but I learned SO much. I learned how to speak in music language, which makes communicating with the artist or band easier.

Now lets get to what is going on this month….

This month I am in Audio Foundations (AFD) and Fundamentals of Physics (FOP). These classes are extremely hard for me right now, but I am slowly grasping the concepts of them. I love the teachers in them, because of the passion they have, which has not been absent from any of the teachers I have had so far. I am excited to see where this crazy life takes me.

So for my last thoughts….

This year I have a picture in my mind of a New Year – New You. So I figured well… It’s time to loose weight. I have struggled with weight loss for a while, and at one time lost over 100lbs! Since then I have gained it back! So I figured along with my Full Sail life postings, I am going to journal out my weight loss to you as well. So today I mark the “OFFICIAL” start to my New Year-New You mind. My starting weight as of TODAY (1/16/2014) is 384lbs. I know its a big number, but my goal is to get down to between 235 – 215 lbs. I will post my ups and downs. Thank you for reading this and hope to see ya around!

If you have any suggestions or weight loss tips please them in the contact form below!